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Skin Tone Correction
Background Blurring
Color Cast Correction
Hollywood Eyes
Image Reflections
Print-Ready Art
Creating PDF Files
PDF Advantages
Typography Tips
Vector Artwork
Color Accuracy
Monitor Color
Color Spaces
Ink Colors
Printing Papers
Paper Coatings
Folding Types
Foil & Embossing
Envelope Sizes & Specs
Postcard Sizes & Postage
Paper Sizes
Glossary of Terms
Logo Design Tips
Direct Mail Design
Business Card Design
Catalog & Booklet Design
Flyer Design
Postcard Design
In today's global marketplace it has become more and more important for small businesses to present a professional appearance to remain competitive.
Your prospects don't know what you can do for them unless you tell them. Express your company's unique story in well-designed marketing and advertising materials, from your business cards, brochures and other print collateral. Reinforce the same message, look and feel on your website presence.
Your printed materials are a critical ingredient in your marketing strategy, playing a vital role in communicating your products and services to both new and existing customers.
Printing Collateral is the collection of all of the printed materials that your company uses to market their products and services to both your prospect and current customers. The type of print collateral you may choose will vary by your industry and your company's corporate branding.
Consistency is important in your marketing material, as it helps to build company familiarity and recognition, which in turn helps build trust. This consistency is an important step towards building your company's Corporate Identity.
Corporate Identity is the “personality” of a corporation, the look and feel of your branding, including the company’s name, logo, typeface, colors, slogan, etc. — each are elements that help comprise its corporate identity.
If your company needs help designing a marketing piece, Summit Printing has professional graphic designers on staff that can help you!
If you have any questions about our services, need a price quote, or want to speak with an expert for some questions about printing or graphic design, please don't hesitate to contact us.
We will be happy to assist you!
Our printing company is available 24/7 by phone at 800-594-7733 or email us.